Monday, 26 April 2021


 Both in acrylics on Masonite, 15 x 20 cm:



This kind of cottage used to be very common, particularly along South Africa's west and south coast. Nowadays, I'm not sure anyone actually still lives in such buildings, but they look nice in paintings!

Also check out my books, if reading is your thing...

Sunday, 11 April 2021

R707, Free State

 Watercolor on paper, 5 x 7 inches:

I have been playing around with watercolor, a monstrously difficult medium, but a very attractive one. 

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Monday, 22 March 2021

Mkaa'ah Jeecho'nee, the Boy Hunter

 My latest children's book is now available:

It is the third book in my series of African folktales. This one is from Zanzibar, and tells the story of the sultan's pet, which became a really serious problem, and the brave b oy who decided to solve it...

Here is the free online version, but if you like it, please consider buying a copy, or making a donation of your choice by clicking on the PayPal Donate button in the panel on the right. Also check out my other books under the books tab above!

If you liked the story, please consider buying a copy on Amazon:

or making a donation of choice by clicking on the PayPal Donate link in the panel on the right. 

Also check out my other books (most also have free online versions!) by clicking on the Books tab above.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Rose hips

 Oil on Masonite, 15 x 10 cm:

Collected on my morning walk. This time of year (early autumn here in the southern hemisphere) the world becomes an embarrassment of riches for the artist.

This work is for sale. Contact me at 

Also check out my books here - some of them can be read for free online.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Blue, green, white

 Oil on Masonite, 15 x 10 cm:

This work is for sale. Contact me at

This rather attractive house is just a block or two from where I live. I have been wanting to paint it for ages, and now I finally got around to it.