Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Aloes at the corner

 Acrylics on board, 30 x 20 cm:

We tend to associate aloes with the tropics. But here in my corner of the world they bloom in winter, so they often make me think of cold, gloomy days. I took the reference photo on which I somewhat loosely based this picture just a few blocks from where I live. It was a bright, crisp day, but when I painted it the weather was rather gloomy and overcast, and this slipped into the painting, I think.

Monday, 26 June 2023

Aloes and lavender

 Acrylics on board, 20 x 15 cm:

A somewhat experimental piece (I kind of channeled Irma Stern or something), and I cannot quite decide whether I like it or absolutely hate it. Time will tell!

Monday, 5 June 2023

Cape turtle dove

 Acrylics on board, 20 x 15 cm:

Also known as ring-necked doves, these critters are found over much of southern and eastern Africa. They are very common around here in my neck of the woods, and their characteristic call something of a soundtrack to local scenery. Because they're so common, people hardly notice them, but I think they're rather beautiful and a worthy subject to paint.

Friday, 2 June 2023

Die Krap en die Kraanvoël

 An English version of this story can be read here.

Hierdie is die Afrikaanse weergawe van The Crab and the Crane, die vyfde in 'n reeks volksverhale uit Afrika. Indie u die storie geniet, oorweeg om 'n kopie te koop - beide 'n e-boek en gedrukte weergawe is beskikbaar.

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Winter weeds, highveld

 Acrylics on board, 20 x 15 cm:


Most people tell me they find highveld winters depressing. Me, I love the subdued earth tones, the scraggly weeds and puffy seed heads, the hint of ice in the evening breeze. 

Link tree