Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Gnome Alert (3)

And yet another batch of illustrations for my upcoming children's story The Garden Gnome's Journey. This is the lot, I think; still have to do a cover picture in color. Barring any unexpected troubles, the book aught to be available soon.

My other book, a youth adventure novella titled The Ten Horns, is available here:

The Ten Horns

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Gnome Alert (2)

Another batch of illustrations for my soon-to-be-available children's book The Garden Gnome's Journey. Watch this space for updates!

My other book, a youth adventure novella titled The Ten Horns, is available here:

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Gnome alert

Some illustration concepts for my upcoming children's book "The Garden Gnome's Journey." Watch this space for updates...

Thursday, 7 September 2017

A new book

After endless delays and editing and proofing, copies of my youth adventure novella The Ten Horns are finally available. Here are the front and back covers:

Copies can be ordered here:

The Ten Horns

The book is also available on Amazon, but the page there apparently takes a few weeks to build to completion, so at present, the synopsis and "look inside" features are not functional yet.

As I note above, it is youth fiction and suitable for readers at around grade 7 level, though I have known an adult or two who also told me they enjoyed it. Perhaps they were just being polite!

The first few chapters are available for free here.

Edit: The Amazon page is functional now:

The Ten Horns

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Four Capsicums

Oil on board, 20 x 15 cm:

Been enjoying playing around with the rich colours and textures of wood. I have long enjoyed this sort of "kitchen still life;" perhaps time to do a series...